131st Field Regiment Royal Artillery

War Diary for July 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt-Col J.M. HAILEY R.A.
Place Date Hour Summary References to Appendices
CHEUX 1st (Edward Williams, Ian Chalmers)
2nd 1100 Location taken over by 53 (W) Inf Div, Regt moves to "rest" area, with guns in support of Canadian attack on CARPIQUET. Location, SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN.
SECQUEVILLE 8th 1530 Move to support new attack by Divisional Inf (2Glass H ) S.W. of Caen. Regt at call of 2Glass H. (46 Inf Bde) New location, St Mauvieu.
ST MAUVIEU 9th Sporadic shelling, dumping of Ammunition.
" " 10th 0330-0630 Barrage to support a/m attack. Rest of day, heavy shelling in concs and D.F. Tasks, on call of O.Ps.
" " 11th (Thomas Gilmour)
" " 14th 1600 Move to new location at MOUEN Farm. In Support of attack on ESQUAY.
MOUEN 15th 2030 Heavy mortaring, and shelling of gun positions. Several O.R. Casualties on 495 gun position, and in 'B' Ech. (John Law, Arthur Walker)
" " 16th 0400)
Gun position strafed by Enemy planes. Fock-Wulf 190's and Henschel 129's recognised Captain A.I. Marshall, 495 Fd Bty, evacuated to CCS with shrapnel wounds. (Thomas Fleming)
" " 17th 2300 Gun position heavily bombed by about 40 planes. HEINKELs recognised. casualties 4 killed, 15 injured, Lieutenant S.S. Brown, 495 Field Battery, missing, presumed dead. Heavy damage to vehicles. (John Joseph, Arthur Sharp, Stanley Brown, James Fleming)
" " 19th Regiment returns to "rest" near St Mauview. Weather very poor, rain and mist.
ST MAUVIEU 23rd 1400 Move to new position at CORMOLAIN, north of CAUMONT. 15 (S) Division commences to take over from 46 (US) Artillery Battalion.
CORMOLAIN 25th Infantry take over completed during the day.
" " 28/29 46 US Artillery Battalion moves out in direction of the ST LO front.
" " 29th Attack south of CAUMONT commences. 8th Corps at CAUMONT, 30th Corps on left, US Troops on right.
" " 30th 1600 Regiment moves to CAUMONT to support advance units of 227 Brigade. Position strafed towards dark by enemy fighter bombers. No causalities.
CAUMONT 31st 1130 Move to take up new location at HERVIEUX. Some enemy air activity. ( Ivor Woolford, Kenneth Bailey )